annnnnnnd FIN

December 15, 2010 § Leave a comment

Yesterday was my last day at the aquarium.
I loved every second of it. I worked on my own in the morning, which is nice because I almost feel like an independent worker.

The afternoon brought the fantastic stuff, though. Really. It’s not that I’m trying to make you jealous or anything, but…um…I fed a tiger. How many people can say that they have fed a tiger?! I got to feel up a tiger’s paw pads (and was scared shitless when his claws extended ever so slightly), as well as the webbing between an otter’s toes. I worked loads of behaviors I hadn’t yet been allowed to work. It was like I was getting a jackpot for my semester of hard work. It was definitely one of my proudest moments as an adult (or something like it). (For behind-the-scenes photos, ask me to e-mail them to you.)

The trying questions keep coming, though. Has this internship confirmed that you want to do this as a living? Do you plan on getting another internship at a zoo, or volunteering somewhere? Are you going to stay in Denver?


What’s next?


To be honest, I haven’t a clue.

Things I can say with some assurance:

+ I am pretty dang tired of working for free.

+ I am fairly certain that the aquarium doesn’t really want me back…ouch.

+ I am going to see where this lighting thing takes me.

+ I am going to do a little research into zoos in foreign countries, mainly Spain, Australia, and England.

+ I am going to stay in Denver for at least a few more months and try to save up some money.

+ I honestly have no idea where my life is going, but I am also pretty certain that it is far-fetched that I will be working a boring desk job anytime soon.

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