Days 17 & 18, October 12th and 13th, 2010

October 14, 2010 § Leave a comment

Just as I was starting to get bored… I got to feed otters.

Now, for the average, run-of-the-mill person, this might not seem that cool. (Unless you’re Brian Jackson, who is probably ridiculously envious right about now.) However, this was the BEST day of my working at the aquarium so far. Mindy knew how much she was going to make my day by allowing me to do this, and for good reason– the moment that she handed me a latex glove and said “Welcome to the world of feeding otters”, my face lit up and I was a child again. To be fair, I wasn’t doing much. Just a free feed (which means there was no training involved in the session), really, though the otters are trained to come to their shapes when the shape is held up to the chainlink. (Blue has a green circle and Slater has a red triangle.) The otters are so damn cute when they eat. They make a cute nom-nom sound when they open-mouth chew their fish…so adorable. So so adorable.

This puts the number of animals I am allowed to free feed up to… (bunny x2, chicken x3, otter x2)…seven! Woo!

At some point, I promise you, I will be a tiger trainer.

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